Need code for Internet connection

S B cosmicnavigation at
Sun Aug 23 14:10:15 UTC 2009

8-23-09    8am MT US


Here is some relevant information concerning my problem with Internet connection:


Issue:  Need code to connect to Internet

Method:  Verizon LG VX4500 cell phone tethered to laptop


Kubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Kernel 2.6.28-14 generic

KDE 4.2.2



Ports.  Laptop has 4 USB ports, 2 on left, 2 on right.  My cell phone is connected to the Right Front Port--via USB cable.



This old how-to from 2005 explains my exact type of Internect connection for an outdated version of Ubuntu, using the 'integrated Networking setup utility' (Ubuntu 5.04 Hoary):



Link to my recent topic at Kubuntu Forum:








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