Wrong size screen

Jerry Lapham rjlapham at gmail.com
Fri Aug 21 20:12:08 UTC 2009

On Sunday I picked up one of the Walmart special $348 Toshiba Satellite 
L355-S7915  17 inch laptops.  I have Kubuntu 9.04 installed and when it boots 
it comes up in 1024x768 screen size.  I have System Settings->Display set to 
1440x900 and when I go to it, the screen immediately jumps to 1440x900 but 
then I have to widen the toolbar, which is a real pain.

Any ideas how to make it come up in 1440x900 to begin with?

Jerry Lapham
Monroe, OH  45050
rjlapham at gmail.com
I'm not old; I'm chronologically challenged.

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