
David Kuntadi d.kuntadi at
Fri Aug 21 00:33:13 UTC 2009

I understand sometimes problems are frustrating for both sides. I have
experienced it before. What I suggest is the one try to help to push
yourself further:

"Make a simple script"

so that it could be copied and pasted in terminal or downloaded and
clicked to run.

In this way, you will have to learn new things every time, or just
pull the old script of it is the same problem. This method give us a
couple of benefit:

1. The one helping would almost always learn new thing (scripting)
2. The one having problem would not need to do a lengthy steps (most
users just want their problem solved and use their computer)
3. Both save time and use the time productively.
4. If users want to learns more, you could explain what the script does.

One example is e-Sword installer. I have been maintaining manual
version for over a year and I realize sometime people could not follow
a very simple instruction. So, I learn scripting and made a
e-Sword-installer script. After a while, I realize even with this
script people are having difficulties i.e ignore dependency of the
script. So, I learn to make a deb package that would check and install
dependency automatically.


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