E: Malformed line 62 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (URI parse) E: The list of sources could not be read.

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Thu Aug 20 17:40:46 UTC 2009

On Saturday 15 August 2009 04:04:52 pm Eberhard Roloff wrote:
> Steven Vollom wrote:
> >> also Windows might be a good solution here.
> >> I cannot remember that I ever had to do such things on windows.
> >>
> >> Eberhard
> >
> > Don't give up on me Eberhard, I am still making headway.  Each time I run
> > into a loggerhead like this one, the solution comes.  It just takes time;
> >  I am still learning and having fun.  Windows will never become an
> > option. I will trash and burn my computer first.
> >
> > Steven
> Steven,
> no need to worry, I will never give you up. Nevertheless
> windows nowadays is no reason to burn a computer anymore.
> It simply works and does the job, just as linux does.
> Eberhard
In the past, I was cheated by them so many times, that I just do not want to 
contribute a penny to their future.  Every time I try to help a Windows friend 
with his computer, I am reminded of many of the reasons I do not want to use 
them that is totally separate from the fact that they stole from me and abused 
me to the point of washing my hands of them forever.  I don't talk of my 
experiences openly, because it just seems to fill the airwaves with anger, but 
without joining in that discussion, I will never pay money for anything 
Microsoft makes a profit on.  If I did, my word would be meaningless.  Of 
course, there are people who think I exaggerate or mislead when I write, but 
if that ever happens by what I have written, it is either a mistake or a 
misunderstanding, not willful misrepresentation.  You are someone who I care 
for almost enough to compromise, but I don't think I could unless it could 
really benefit you.  Keeping my word is important to me.


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