Aptitude vs. apt-get

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Fri Aug 14 21:01:04 UTC 2009

On Friday 14 August 2009 02:48:35 am O. Sinclair wrote:
> Clay Weber wrote:
> > On Thursday 13 August 2009 07:21:59 pm Steven Vollom wrote:
> >> On Thursday 13 August 2009 04:13:36 pm clay weber wrote:
> >>> Steven Vollom wrote:
> >>>> What are the differences between the two?  I typed in sudo apt-get
> >>>> install updates
> >>>
> >>> If you typed in EXACTLY 'sudo apt-get install updates', then you WILL
> >>> get something wrong as the syntax and command for what you are doing 
> >>> incorrect.
> >>>
> >>> when using apt, the command syntax is this:
> >>> 'sudo apt-get <do-some-action> <some-packagename>'
> >>>
> >>> so in the command you used above, you are telling apt to install a
> >>> package with the name 'updates', which of course does not exist.
> >>
> >> When I use sudo aptitude install update it produced work.  I am confused
> >> a bit here still, because I thought I used the term updates with
> >> aptitude, but because it worked, I assume it was just update.
> >
> > That command does produce some output, but if you *read* that output you
> > would see that it actually did nothing, and said a lot doing so :)
> >
> >>> so, some apt commands to remember:
> >>>
> >>> sudo apt-get update (no 'S') will update the package list and look for
> >>> updates
> >>
> >> Does this means all applications that I have installed?  It is just
> >> searching for updates, then, is that right?
> >
> > Correct
> >
> >>> sudo apt-get dist-upgrade will install updated packages
> >>
> >> And this orders the installation.  Is that correct?
> >
> >  Correct :)
> not that I am an expert on apt-get or aptitude but I would be really
> careful with "dist-upgrade" as you might upgrade version without quite
> realising it. At least as I understand it.
> Normally "sudo apt-get upgrade" should be adequate if you have done
> "sudo apt-get update" first.
> Personally I use "sudo aptitude update" followed by "sudo aptitude
> safe-upgrade". Aptitude will hold back packages like new kernel etc if
> you use safe-upgrade. You can then judge if you want any held back
> packages and if so do "sudo aptitude full-upgrade".
> It is not really that apt-get is better than aptitude or vice versa,
> they approach dependencies to other packages etc differently.
> Hope that helps even if it does not fully answer the original query.
> Sinclair
This is one of my best posts.   It is so helpful, you may not realize the 
doubts you and others have put to bed.  Thanks so much, friend.


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