Command line problems.

Roy Smith rasmith1959 at
Thu Aug 13 17:07:26 UTC 2009

Steven Vollom wrote:
> When I attempt to install anything, I get an error that line 52 is malformed.  
> When I attempt to open Kate to read line 52 of /etc/apt/sources.lst, it opens 
> in Kate with no data in the page.

That's to be expected.  Why?  Because you're using the wrong filename! 
The correct path/filename should be /etc/apt/sources.list not
/etc/apt/sources.lst.  When you started Kate with the filename
/etc/apt/sources.lst you told it the wrong filename so Kate thought you
were creating a new file because it did not find an exact match for the
filename you had specified.  Another thing to watch out for is
capitalization.  To Linux THISfile, Thisfile and thisfile would all be
seen as separate files because of the use, or absence of capital letters
in the filename.


Roy Smith
Windows XP Pro SP3

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