Steven Vollom
stevenvollom at
Thu Aug 13 04:40:40 UTC 2009
On Wednesday 12 August 2009 06:15:58 pm John L Vifian wrote:
> On Wednesday 12 August 2009 1:12:27 pm Steven Vollom wrote:
> > steven at Yeshua:~$ less sources.list
> > sources.list: No such file or directory
> > steven at Yeshua:~$
> Steven, you should be able to figure out why this isn't working by
> yourself.
> First run: info less to find out what less does.
I just read the Description. I have only used the command line entry (l) when
instructed specifically to do so by someone helping me, and have done so only
to provide the info they require to help me. It still confuses me. In the
'Description' portion of "info less", I then get confused when it refers to
'vi'. Never heard of that command. It also begins the pattern that causes me
difficulty to learn. I am now leaving the focus of my task with a new term to
have to understand to continue.
The first thing said in 'info vi', is "Vim is a text editor that is upwards
compatible to Vi. It can be used to edit all kinds of plain text. It is
expecially useful for editing programs."
It continues to explain another application Vim instead of Vi which was where
I was first referred while looking for "info less".
I realize this is pretty common for you who are experienced, however, before
you have experience, it is difficult enough to read an explanation of your main
focus. When given a reference that refers to a new application (vi) and
doesn't even explain the 'vi??' (it refers to 'vim a different application)you
were directed to review, it starts a pattern of search that puts someone like
me in total confusion.
As an artist, I think in a different pattern of thought. Pictures in my mind
of complete processes come to mind. I don't see explanations for things I am
not asking about first before I get to instructions I ask about. At this point
it is hopeless for me to pursue the method you suggested.
Computer Gurus just plain think differently. What just happened to me does not
confuse you at all. It is the way Computer Gurus think; it is a direct path
for you. But for me it is like taking a detour, then another until, you
forget where you are going. And when getting a referral to an application to
'vi' which then talks about an application 'vim' may not confuse you, I, at
that point expect to never find out what I am looking for, for if I then get
referred to something like vim/x, I expect to get a response that refers to
vim/xy before I read anything to do with vim/x. And for a right-brained
thinker this is totally illogical.
Generally, I would not put you through this. But it is where people like me
end up. We don't ever seem to learn, because of the way the information is
presented. This past year I have learned so very much. But while learning
those things I know how to use, I have not learned anything about some of the
basic things including this instruction, because unless I am helped with the
problem, as when I receive from the list, I am forced to just give up.
It is the same for me when I make a google search. I type in a question. In
the first sentence of explanation, I am many times linked to terms that I don't
understand. When I apply the link in that first line of instruction, I get to
the first line of a new page of information, and in the first sentence I get a
couple of links to something that I need to know to continue. Pretty soon, I
am reading a page that is explaining something that is explaining something
that is explaining something that is explaining something that is supposed to
help me understand the first line of the question I asked in the first place.
At this point I am so confused that I can't remember the first question and
have no idea how to retrace my steps to find it.
Since even the first inquiry is totally new for me, after the third or fourth
link transfers, I forget what the original subject was. And if I read every
thing supplied in each link, I will never get to line two of the first
question, because there is never an end to the first line links to another
page. It puts a right-brain thinker in a constant point of overload. It
makes computing seem hopeless.
I have had to learn what I know this past year facing the same problem every
day I get help. There are a couple of you who have figured, at least
partially, what the problem is, and have made adjustments in helping me. It
is the reason I have learned so much, but if I just get referred to 'l' or
'man' or other command line sources of information, I will never learn
anything. The description of the description rarely refers to what I am there
to find out about. I am usually diverted to other information I am not yet
capable of assimilating yet.
Using your instruction, I pointed each blocking statement for a person like
me. If you attempt to follow my process of thinking, you will see why I am
seemingly unteachable. I am not sure it is possible for a logical thinker
like you to understand a graphical thinker like me, but I am hoping it is. If
I can figure out how to learn from you, I will learn the way to work with
graphical thinkers.
I really think we have the same intellectual capabilities, but through a
process that is almost like talking a different language. If and when I am
sufficiently instructed, I plan to write 'man' pages and 'l' pages and google
instructions that we can both understand and use to learn. It will turn a
light on for thousands who have probably given up on computers.
I am sorry to have written so long, but until someone in the Guru group tries
to understand a graphical thinker's thought process, we, right-brain thinkers,
will either be left completely out of the computer loop, or it will take
persistence and perhaps 4 times as long for graphical thinkers to learn.
Thanks for your help. If you are willing, please address this email?
Additionally, if something I have said confuses you, please explain the
confusion? It will help me to finally unite our different way of viewing a
Please reply, John. It would be so helpful to me. Believe it or not, there
are certain aspects of the art field where I am considered the Guru. It
doesn't pad my ego, it just goes to show that right-brain thinkers sometimes
have intellectual gifts as well. I suspect it would take a long time for me
to explain this area to a computer Guru, because not even all the right-brain
thinkers understand this area of my gift. But they all acknowledge that it is
a special gift. And for me it is just easy - the way I normally think, and
not special at all.
Not intended to elevate your opinion of me, just trying to get you to
understand that I might not be a total zero for intelligence, just more like a
person learning a new language.
> Then if the output of your less command says:" sources.list: No such file
> or directory" then perhaps it is telling the truth and there is no
> sources,list in your home directory of /home/Yeshua/, which is just fine as
> there shouldn't be one there. The file is in /etc/apt/ so you either have
> to run less from that directory or supply the full path and filename to
> less.
> As others have told you by now less /etc/apt/sources.list will do the
> trick, although I would recommend cat instead of less just in case the last
> few lines are what people need to see.
> Good luck
> John Vifian
> --
> Define the Universe and give three examples. - Anonymous
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