
John L Vifian jongleur at
Wed Aug 12 22:15:58 UTC 2009

On Wednesday 12 August 2009 1:12:27 pm Steven Vollom wrote:
> steven at Yeshua:~$ less sources.list
> sources.list: No such file or directory
> steven at Yeshua:~$

Steven, you should be able to figure out why this isn't working by yourself.

First run: info less to find out what less does.

Then if the output of your less command says:" sources.list: No such file or 
directory" then perhaps it is telling the truth and there is no sources,list 
in your home directory of /home/Yeshua/, which is just fine as there shouldn't 
be one there.   The file is in /etc/apt/ so you either have to run less from 
that directory or supply the full path and filename to less.

As others have told you by now less /etc/apt/sources.list will do the trick, 
although I would recommend cat instead of less just in case the last few lines 
are what people need to see.

Good luck

John Vifian
Define the Universe and give three examples. - Anonymous

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