Dolphin reluctant display right icon

Perry pwhite at
Wed Aug 12 15:18:32 UTC 2009


Only a very minor annoyance on KUbuntu Hardy.

I use Dolphin in 'Details mode'
When I open, say '/bin', all the icons are displayed as a paper sheet.
(On the information pane at right the cogwheel or shell script icon displays 
OK for files under the cursor)
I belive only the icons for exe and shell script without the '.sh' are 
concerned, other icons display normally.

I only have to use 'Icons mode' and switch back to 'Details mode' and the 
correct mini icons are restored, for that folder, and for that Dolphin 

I tried googling, no luck.

Has anyone observed this behaviour?
Know of a cure?

Thanks		Perry

BOFH excuse #56: Electricians made popcorn in the power supply

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