Unable to edit shortcut link name to application in plasma folder view

Michael Krueger mickrulist at voipfuture.com
Wed Aug 12 06:50:02 UTC 2009


I upgraded to KDE 4.3 on jaunty.
I have a plasma desktop folder view on my desktop and use it to hold launch icons for my favorite applications.
Prior to the upgrade there was no problem when creating a new shortcut. After the upgrade to 4.3 the following problem
1) Right click in the folder view and select: "Create new... link to application"
2) A dialog appears in which you can select on the general tab an icon, and name for the link.

For me it is not possible to edit the text on the general tab. The work around I have found is that you have to create
the link after specifying all required fields on the application tab (there the text fields do work) and save the link.
After that you can right click on the icon in the folder view and change the link name on the general tab when choosing
  properties in the context menu.

However does someone know how to fix this behavior? It should be possible to edit the link name on the general tab right


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