Kernel panic after upgrade

Nils Kassube kassube at
Wed Aug 12 06:27:19 UTC 2009

Mark Halegua wrote:
> The menu.lst does show a UUID for the disk/partition.  However, there
> is no line for initrd, and in looking at the /boot directory, there
> is no initrd file for the new kernel for 9.04.  Is this something
> wrong with the kubuntu 9.04 upgrade?  If so, how do I fix it?

I don't think it is possible to have a 9.04 system which doesn't require 
an initrd, so maybe something went wrong with your upgrade. Anyway, 
there should be an entry for the previous kernel in your menu.lst. I 
would boot with the previous kernel and try what happens if you use the 

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

in a terminal. If there is no error, reinstall the kernel with the 
missing initrd.


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