Slow composition with intel graphics on Kubuntu 9.04
Marcelo Magno T. Sales
mmtsales at
Mon Aug 10 20:16:18 UTC 2009
Hi, Jonas
Em Seg 10 Ago 2009, Jonas Pedersen escreveu:
> Marcelo Magno T. Sales wrote:
> > However,
> > composition with intel graphics is very slow. Kwin desktop effects,
> > like the desktop cube and wobbly windows, are slow and "loosing
> > frames", in the lack of a better description of the problem.
> >
> > Is there something I can do to improve 3D graphics performance? Any
> > fine tuning in xorg.conf?
> If you are not afraid of experimenting a bit you can try to add "deb
> jaunty main"
> to /etc/apt/sources and then do an update/upgrade. You also need to
> install the latest kernel from Karmic development. You can get the
> .deb files at your local mirror. At least this solved the issue for
> me.
> If you try to search a bit on you can find many reports
> with similar issues. Some of the bugs have some comments added on
> what solved the issue for them.
I'll try that, thanks for your answer.
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