Slow composition with intel graphics on Kubuntu 9.04

Marcelo Magno T. Sales mmtsales at
Mon Aug 10 17:44:36 UTC 2009


I have a centrino 2 notebook which was running SuSE 11.1 and KDE 4.1. 
Composition with intel 945GM was relatively fast.
I've recently installed Kubuntu 9,04 on this machine and almost 
everything is running exceptionally well. Even some Fn functions that 
had never worked before are now working, out of the box. However, 
composition with intel graphics is very slow. Kwin desktop effects, like 
the desktop cube and wobbly windows, are slow and "loosing frames", in 
the lack of a better description of the problem.

Is there something I can do to improve 3D graphics performance? Any fine 
tuning in xorg.conf?



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