Jaunty, Java and map24

Perry pwhite at bluewin.ch
Sat Aug 8 08:17:28 UTC 2009

Le Saturday 08 August 2009 02:38:45 Bruce Marshall, vous avez écrit :
> I just installed FF 3.5.2  from the normal repositories...   Didn't do
> anything else.  And map24 still works fine.

Since in previous mails you quoted just that point, 
> > Firefox3.5 could never see java and map24 displays,  *but not on separate
> > window.*
I take it for granted you have on top of the map in main window the "double 
square icon" next to the "monkey wrench icon". I will try to experiment 
somewhat more.

Thanks for all, and take care of your data loss problem.


BOFH excuse #345: Having to manually track the satellite

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