KDE 4.3 Kmail missing content

Donn donn.ingle at gmail.com
Thu Aug 6 22:20:51 UTC 2009

On Thursday 06 August 2009 22:00:20 Rob Wright wrote:
> Tried that on the off chance that it might help. I now have ... useless sound
> system and a desktop UI that does half of what it used to.
Oops. Sorry if I got you into a mess.

> I completely regret ever upgrading this machine to Jaunty, and I mean that
> in the most positive way possible. 
You can also mean it in the most angry way possible : I do. Jaunty has been a 
horror-show. This could be because I jumped to 64bit though.

> What is the best way to downgrade to
> Hardy or Intrepid? I'm assuming my best bet is to just start from scratch
> with a fresh install?
I just don't know. There are probably a few clever dpkg and aptitude commands, 
but I'd go for the knife and cut out all the bad stuff -- reinstall *if* you 
need that machine to work now. If not, then stick around for some other advice 
or a lucky break and wait for Karmik - that's pretty much my plan at the 

Good luck,

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