Error upgrading KDE version to 4.3

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at
Wed Aug 5 08:54:57 UTC 2009

Hi Nils,

On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 07:33, Nils Kassube<kassube at> wrote:
> Wagner Sales wrote:
>> I've upgraded ( tried ) my KDE version to 4.3 ( most recent ) and...
> How? There is no KDE 4.3 in the Jaunty repositories.

Oh yes, there is, it is in the backports PPA since quite some time.
See also for more information.

I use KDE 4.3 since it's first beta release in May this year through
this repository, and it really is a tremendous improvement over KDE
4.2, which was to be expected :)

I strongly recommend to all of the subscribers here to have an eye on
the Kubuntu website (see link above), as it has very valuable
information also in the wiki: (the link is at
the top right of the website). It is quite easy to get the information
by subscribing to their RSS feed for the news page:

To install KDE 4.3 from the backports PPA, add the following source to
your sources.list:

deb jaunty main

and of course add the gpg key to your keyring, which is done with the
following two lines (each on one single line):

gpg --keyserver --recv 2836CB0A8AC93F7A

gpg --export --armor 2836CB0A8AC93F7A | sudo apt-key add -

(don't forget the hyphen at the end of this line.

As of today, the additional staging source is not necessary anymore,
the website will be updated soon :)

Regards, Myriam
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