Kinda OT: What is soprano-daemon

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at
Wed Aug 5 08:42:23 UTC 2009

Hi Thomas,

On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 07:42, Thomas Olsen<tanghus at> wrote:
> Hi
> Just saw in my updates this morning that a package called "soprano-daemon" was
> to be updated. What is this little mobster baemon doing? ;-)

Soprano is the rdf-framework for the semantic desktop, aka Nepomuk.
Without the sporano-framework, Nepomuk and Strigi will not work. So if
you are indexing your /home to enable semantic searches (e.g.
searching for specific strings or tags) you will need all three of
BTW, of course the files do not have tags by default, but these can be
added which will make the desktop search even more personalized.

More information can be found here:

KDE has a resource available for this too, of course:

There are two major information branches on that website, one for the
and for the developers:

And a very good source of information is the blog of Sebastian TrĂ¼g
who is responsible for Nepomuk. Until February 2009 it is here:, then he moved his blog here:

Regards, Myriam.

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