3rd Party Applications

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Wed Aug 5 06:44:50 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 04 August 2009 03:11:20 am Goh Lip wrote:
> Worthy of a requote.
> >>> Steven, If I might make a suggestion.
> >>>
> >>> If I were you I would concentrate on getting one _VERY_ stable computer
> >>> first. If your newer machine is buggy then make your older one the
> >>> stable machine.  _THEN_ you can use the other one to play around with.
> >>> That way you will always have a system that works well. Just don't mess
> >>> with the stable machine.
> Yep, I missed these, had my cup of coffee.
> >>> These four commands exactly as written to get the result I need, or am
> >>> I expected to make adjustments based upon my knowledge of the task? 
> >>> For instance, I changed the capital 'S' to a small 's',
> Yes
> >>>>> burn a cd of all the items in Repo
> >>>
> >>> Are there any special instructions in how I set up the burn procedure,
> >>> ie. something like making it executable, or anything, or do I just burn
> >>> the folder Repo?
> Burn as data file, not iso or image. Do not include 'folder/Repo'
> (correct word should be 'directory', sorry, not 'folder'), just all the
> things in the directory 'Repo', make sure 'Package.gz' is there.
> AFTER you have reinstalled, at the NEW installation, (if it is at new or
> different computer, then, yes, at new computer), type in
> sudo apt-cdrom add
> It will ask/prompt you to name the cd-rom, name it say, 'Repo-Jaunty' as
> you made it from Jaunty archives. Good to marker-pen cdrom same name.
> Regards,
> Goh Lip

Thanks, will do.


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