Can't connect to unprotected wifi

Jerry Lapham rjlapham at
Sat Aug 1 19:07:31 UTC 2009

> On Saturday 03 January 2009 10:41:56 pm jerry Lapham wrote:
> > I took my Acer Aspire 3002LCi laptop to a friends house and tried to
> > connect to her  Linksys router.  Wicd found it marked as uprotected but
> > when I tried to connect Wicd showed it waiting on an IP until it timed
> > out.
> >
> > I have no trouble connecting to my D-Link DI-524 wireless router at home
> > or to routers at several motels.

I posted the above back in January.  Since that time I've been in a couple of 
motels with unprotected wifi and haven't been able to connect to them either.  
I still have no trouble connecting to my router at home with either WEP or WPA 
encryption.  So why can't I connect to unprotected routers elsewhere?

It's really frustrating.  Occasionally a neighbor's unprotected router shows 
up in wicd with about a 33% signal strength and I can't connect to it either.  
I don't know whether that's a good test with such a low signal strength or 
not.  Is there any way to see what's going on while wicd is waiting for an IP?


Jerry Lapham
Monroe, OH  45050
rjlapham at
Whoever defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting
different results never used a computer.

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