
James Tappin sjt at
Thu Apr 30 19:31:51 UTC 2009

On Thu, 30 Apr 2009 15:47:24 -0300
Derek Broughton <derek at> wrote:

DB> Billie Walsh wrote:
DB> > Brian wrote:
DB> >>>> Help
DB> >>>>      KPacketKit fires up OK on my machine but whatever I type
DB> >into the >>> search box returns
DB> >>>> 'Message did not receive a reply(time-out by message bus). This
DB> >means I >>> think that I can't
DB> >>>> install any updates to fix KPackageKit(or anything else). I've
DB> >tried >>> downloading directly
DB> >>>> from the mirror but as soon as I try to install the .deb file I
DB> >get >>> 'Message did not......'
DB> >>>>  I'm stuffed, is there any way I can recover without
DB> >re-installing >>> Jaunty from the CD?
DB> >>>> I have a feeling there isn't - mutter, mutter.
DB> >>>> brian
DB> >>>>       
DB> > Install Synaptic. Kpackagekit is a waste of disk space.
DB> But synaptic is a _bigger_ waste, as it pulls in so much of Gnome...
DB> :-)

Kpackagekit looks to be pretty incomplete (e.g. there is a details
button that is always greyed out). Adept is available for Jaunty, though
that too is a pale imitation of the KDE3 version (inconsistent behaviour
of the search bing the biggest problem). 

As of right now none of the package manager choices is altogether
satisfactory (IMHO), but if you have Kpackagekit, adept and aptitude
(along of course with apt-get at the command line) one of them will do
most things. 

| James Tappin           | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__    |
| sjt at | University of Birmingham      | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722                  |         |

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