Phonon sound problem?

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at
Wed Apr 29 11:01:02 UTC 2009

Hi Kevin,

On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 03:17, Kevin B. O'Brien <nadreck at> wrote:
> After upgrading to Jaunty, which also includes Amarok 2.0, I found I get
> no sound from this application. Someone on the Amarok list suggested
> that I try Dragon Player, and I get no sound with that either. On the
> other hand Miro is working just fine, so there is nothing intrinsically
> wrong with the sound system. Does this point to Phonon as the problem?
> And if so, any idea how I can fix it?

This definitely points to a phonon problem. Please check that you use
the xine backend for phonon:
SystemSettings -> Multimedia -> in the Backend tab

In the first tab you can see what sound card/sound server is used. If
you have Pulseaudio on top of that list: bingo!

Pulseaudio is known to cause problems with sound in KDE4, and normally
the KDE apps do not use Pulseaudio.

If you indeed have pulseaudio, you have two possibilities:
- remove pulseaudio
-push the pulseaudio server entry in phonon to the bottom

Please report back if this worked.

Regards, Myriam.

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