acer aspire one & Kubuntu

Frans ketelaars at
Wed Apr 29 10:23:44 UTC 2009

On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 09:54:42 +0100, Brian Norman Wootton wrote:

> I ahav an Acer Aspire One mini notebook with a hard drive of 160GB and
> 1.5giga ram. Should I install Kubuntu Jaunty  32bit or is there a
> "special" version for mini notebooks? Errol
> I had no trouble putting 32b Intrepid onto an Acer Aspire One, it all
> worked pretty well- EXCEPT I could not get wireless networking running
> with or without WEP. I suspect that that I couldn't find the right
> driver, though it's just as likely to have been me having my usual fight
> with Kubuntu's networkmanager - mutter mutter. Jaunty's networkmanager
> may have improved, I haven't managed to find it yet, Only installed
> Jaunty an hour ago. I've edited /etc/hosts directly so far. If you
> proceed and succeed with your AA1 I would appreciate a few clues on how
> you do it.
> brian

If you have Atheros WiFi hardware this might be of interest:

Good luck!


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