Help Required after upgrade.

Kevin Izzet kmmizzet at
Tue Apr 28 18:44:03 UTC 2009

Hi Ric,

Firefox was already installed via apt, I have tried remove / 
re-installing and also
moved the .mozilla directory and started it in -safe-mode but it still 


Ric Moore wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-04-27 at 18:29 +0100, Kevin Izzet wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Need some help, I upgraded from 8.04 to 9.04 at the weekend using the 
>> alternate cd,
>> all appeared to have gone fine but I have hit on an issue which I can't 
>> resolve.
>> Since the upgrade firefox no longer works.
>> If I start firefox from the command line after a couple of seconds I get 
>> the following output and nothing else happens
>>  kimm :~$ 
>> firefox                                                              
>> expr: syntax 
>> error                                                                
>> expr: syntax 
>> error                                                                
>> expr: syntax 
>> error                                                                
>> expr: syntax 
>> error                                                                
>> expr: syntax 
>> error                                                                
>> expr: syntax error    
>> If I do a ps -ef and grep for firefox I get
>> kimm     21238  4850 10 18:20 pts/2    00:00:01 
>> /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.9/firefox
>> the expr: syntax error continues until I ctrl-c the session.
>> I have noticed a similar issue with Opera.
>> Konqueror  is the only browser which currently works.
> How did you install Firefox?? Ric

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