Flash and Linux

Nigel Ridley nigel at prayingforisrael.net
Tue Apr 28 12:12:36 UTC 2009

Goh Lip wrote:
>> From: Nigel Ridley <nigel at prayingforisrael.net>
>> Goh Lip wrote:
>>> The problem is with Flash 10. It is beta and is only available 
>>> for Linux. You will get the same problem with any other distro 
>>> and any other browser, unless you disable Flash like you did in 
>>> your Opera. Of course, you can also disable Flash in Firefox or 
>>> Konqueror. I think Konqueror or Opera has the facility to disable 
>>> or customize the website individually. Example, you can disable 
>>> Flash in http://www.lakerda.co.il/ but allows it for other 
>>> websites. Some other websites may not have this problem if they 
>>> don't load multiple flash ads in them.
>>> This might be helpful to you.
>> Actually it is not a Flash 10 problem but a Flash + Linux in 
>> general. I remember other sites with
>> a lot of Flash content making similar problems using Flash 9.
>> In that other OS there isn't a sign of any problem. So what gives in Linux?
>> Blessings,
>> Nigel
> I still a a partition running Hardy, KDE 3.5.10, Flash 9 in Firefox 3. Does not give any of the hang-ups (liked this term) that I get in Jaunty 4.2.2, Flash 10 in Firefox3. Same exact sites that I know I have problems with.
> What gives?
> Regards,
> Goh Lip
> Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious.
>                             Oscar Wilde
Can you try http://www.lakerda.co.il/ with your Hardy, KDE 3.5.10, Flash 9 in Firefox 3. and let 
us know how it is?


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