Jaunty users: please triage

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Mon Apr 27 22:25:21 UTC 2009

> I'm in. But I have an additional motive, which is that I believe the new
> hide-notifications system is a seriously, seriously flawed design. I'll
> not bang that drum, though; small steps.

Thanks for the comments. I must say that I am 90% in love with KDE
4.2, however, the 10% of the experience that is problematic, is
_deeply_ problematic. But I suppose that this is the price we must pay
to get true innovation: the devs must try completely new ideas

I just keep looking at how terrific Dolphin is today, and thinking
back to how much of a mess d3lphin was, to remind myself why suffering
these issues is important.

Dotan Cohen


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