no "upgrade available" notification

Billie Erin Walsh bilwalsh at
Mon Apr 27 15:33:41 UTC 2009

D. R. Evans wrote:
> Clay Weber said the following at 04/27/2009 08:02 AM :
>> It is possible to just edit the sources.list, but that also bypasses the 
>> upgrade tool, which helps resolve any known issues and conflicts. I so far 
>> cannot duplicate his problem.
> I think the best placed for this discussion is now
> since I think we have determined that there is a problem, which means
> there's a bug somewhere in the upgrade process (probably some kind of edge
> case that somehow I fell into), so launchpad seems like the right place to
> work on resolving it.
> So I'll wait to see what happens there.
>   Doc

This morning on my laptop, 9.04(b?), there was an update to the update 
manager. Don't know what that was all about but wonder if the problem is 
now fixed in [ at least ] 9.04/4.2.2.


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