no "upgrade available" notification

Clay Weber claydoh at
Sun Apr 26 02:40:16 UTC 2009

On Saturday 25 April 2009 10:09:10 pm D. R. Evans wrote:

> As I said in my original posting, I'm afraid that none of that applies. The
> machine in question has a plain vanilla clean install of 32-bit intrepid
> from CD. There may be a (very) few extra packages installed beyond the
> minimal set, but they would all be from the official repositories. I am
> very careful about that.
>   Doc

Jaunty is out,
there is no waiting period
I cannot tell you if update manager is running or not
If you are not getting the upgrade notification, *do not worry*: follow the 
directions found here: - as linked to from 
the jaunty release announcement.

the third image from the top describes what to do if you do not get an upgrade 

you have not said if you have done this, the command  forces  the updater to 
get the upgrade started - if it still says no, *then* there is a problem to be 
figured out and fixed, and we can take it from there

Clay Weber

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