Widget that shows download and upload speed.

Clay Weber claydoh at midmaine.com
Sat Apr 25 17:22:16 UTC 2009

On Saturday 25 April 2009 1:00:26 pm Steven Vollom wrote:
> Does such a plasmoid exist?  I would like to be able to tell the speed my
> ISP is providing.  I pay for a certain level, and many times it seems much
> slower than the service I pay for.
> Steven
The best way is to use the speed tests found at various placesloke
and many others - google for "spped test" will get you plenty of choices, but 
the 2 links above are fine

Your download speed is not only dependent on your ISP's capabilities, but also 
the capabilities of the place being downloaded from.

Also note that most ISP's guarantee a *maximum* speed, or speeds *up to* 
whatever they have specified, so that is how they get around speed issues 
sometimes, unless it is really really low. My dsl connection, though only 1 
mb, usually runs .9 to 1,0, while my 3mb cable connection varies widely.

Clay Weber

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