49 seconds to boot: how do I stack up?

Tony Sivori TonySivori at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 25 16:05:19 UTC 2009

On Fri, 24 Apr 2009 21:22:19 +0300, Dotan Cohen wrote:

> I have heard that Ubuntu 9.04 has super-fast boots, on the order of
> 20-30 seconds. My Dell Inspiron (2 GHz processor, 2 GiB
>  RAM) boots in 49 seconds, only three seconds faster than a six-month
> old Hardy install on the same hardware. Was Kubuntu's boot not improved
> as Ubuntu's, do I have a misconfiguration? How do other Kubuntu user's
> boot times compare?

Kubuntu 8.04 here, on a Quad Core Q8200.

Boots to the login screen in 38 seconds. After entering the password,
there is an additional 14 seconds to play the start up sound, and have all
icons including network in the panel. Total time is 52 seconds.

Tony Sivori
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