How to change an application's icon across the whole system

Alan Dacey GrokIt at
Sat Apr 25 14:09:37 UTC 2009

Dotan Cohen wrote:
> The wonderful application Digikam changed it's icon recently, and this
> has upset the delicate wife-linux balance in our household. How can I
> change the icon associated with Digikam to an icon of my specification
> (actually, the old Digikam icon) so that it will show in all relevant
> places, among them the Kmenu, the system tray, and Krunner? Thanks!

You can also do it the long, manual way - replace all the sized icons in 
/usr/share/icons.  This probably will not change the little icon in the panel 
when it is running.  I hope your wife-linux balance gets back to normal soon!


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