been taken off list

Clay Weber claydoh at
Fri Apr 24 02:19:51 UTC 2009

On Thursday 23 April 2009 5:31:09 pm ray burke wrote:
> Lisi,
> I have received this email in my hotmail, looks like sent from gmail as I
> use firefox3
> browser for both email acounts using and
> I adjusted the options in Hotmail to send from gmail to hotmail, so I am
> hopoing it is right
> now??????
> ray
> Ps this is what I sent from hotmail
I have confirmed that you are subscribed to the list with both of your email 

But the real question is why use 2 different webmails? And why forward or send 
the mail from one to the other? I am not clear on what you need to do here. 

Clay Weber

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