Code to change from read-only file system to read/write file system?

Clay Weber claydoh at
Tue Apr 21 19:10:04 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 21 April 2009 10:55:45 am stevenvollom at wrote:
> I am stuck in a command line that is read only.  I want to copy the
> xorg.conf file and rename it for  back-up and am unable to do so.
> Steven

I think we need to step back here and let one or two people assist Steven in 
this. Some of us have not bothered to read enough of the posts to see that he 
isn't getting very far past the initial grub boot stage, and cannot do any 
editing as the filesystem is unable to be written to by *any* user in this 

This barrage is not helping any, and only adding to Steven's confusion.
Clay Weber

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