'open window widget' on the Panel - Solved!

Nigel Ridley nigel at prayingforisrael.net
Tue Apr 21 18:30:12 UTC 2009

David McGlone wrote:
> On Tuesday 21 April 2009 1:43:50 pm Nigel Ridley wrote:
>> Clay Weber wrote:
>>> On Tuesday 21 April 2009 12:49:47 pm Nigel Ridley wrote:
>>>> Derek Broughton wrote:
>>>>> Nigel Ridley wrote:
>>>>>> You will see the two Panel entries showing the two open windows --
>>>>>> Firefox and Konqueror.
>>>>>> The screenshot should make it real easy to understand what I'm
>>>>>> referring to -- I hope :-)
>>>>> Task Manager
>>>> It looks like you might be right. But, how do I configure it so that it
>>>> only shows the open window[s] for thew current desktop? At the moment it
>>>> is showing all open windows on all desktops. In KDE 3.5.x it was
>>>> easy.....
>>>> Blessings,
>>>> Nigel
>>> You right-click on it.....
>> That only allows you to configure the app's window preferences - not the
>> actual Task Manager.
>> The option I'm looking for is - in KDE 3.5.x - Taskbar Settings >  uncheck
>> 'Show Windows From All Desktops'.
>> So where is that in KDE 4.2?
> Right click on a blank space in your task manager, choose "task manager 
> settings" when it pops up, you will see all the options at the bottom of the 
> dialog.
> Blessings,
> David M.
> http://www.dmcentral.net

Thanks! Finally got it figured out. I had too many apps open on too many desktops and I didn't 
have a 'blank space'. I closed all but one app and then was able to find a blank space to right 
click on.
The problem was further compounded in that  whenever I open a new app it starts on desktop number 
1 -- including 'Panel Settings'. Which meant that as i was usually on a 'free' desktop (number 1 
is where Thunderbird rezides) I could never see the Panel Settings. You how easy it is to crash 
Plasma? I managed it quite a lot today...

Anyway, thanks again for the solution.



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