kcron missing? <OT>

Ric Moore wayward4now at gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 07:34:54 UTC 2009

On Tue, 2009-04-21 at 07:09 +0000, marc wrote:
> Ric Moore said:
> > On Mon, 2009-04-20 at 18:11 +0200, marc wrote:
> >> Derek Broughton said...
> >> > dave selby wrote:
> >> > 
> >> > > 2009/4/16 Ric Moore <wayward4now at gmail.com>:
> >> > >> On Wed, 2009-04-15 at 12:42 -0300, Derek Broughton wrote:
> >> > >>> Ric Moore wrote:
> >> > >>>
> >> > >>> > Funny thing, I don't find kcron listed anymore in the menu bar
> >> > >>> > anymore. So, I un-installed it, and re-installed it. I figured
> >> > >>> > that would kick it into gear. But, I do not find a binary file
> >> > >>> > in /usr/bin named kcron.
> >> > >>>
> >> > >>> Interesting - I hadn't noticed it was missing until you mentioned
> >> > >>> it.
> >> > > 
> >> > > Look in system settings > advanced > task scheduler. Its a really
> >> > > really nice bit of software - OK so I hacked on it for a while a
> >> > > year or so ago so I guess I am biased !
> >> > > 
> >> > No, really.  I know where it's supposed to be and it ain't there.
> >> 
> >> I reread the thread, but I'm not clear: have you installed kcron?
> >> 
> >> Oh, and it doesn't install a binary called kron either; it installs
> >> /usr/lib/kde4//kcm_cron.so
> > 
> > How would you call that up from a command line to test? Thanx! Ric
> I don't think you can. I think it's only accessible via system settings.
> .so files are 'shared objects'; dynamically (at runtime) linked object 
> libraries. So, I guess you could write a wrapper. As you do! Surely 
> there's a test harness that'll let you make calls to it. All hackery and 
> witchcraft, of course.

Time for a chicken foot voodoo session, I guess. I just wave it at my
computer. Nothing else seems to work! I think I'll just have to
re-install this sucker. System settings is borked on this machine. I'll
never EVER take apt-get's suggestion to clean up again. It started
ripping out everything. Now my Java Wonderland Project is borked,
networking is hammered, all kinds of ills afoot. It might not be a bad
thing to survey what packagers include for depends. Removing a package
ought not do the the Harry Potter re-potting Mandrake roots thing,
making my machine scream bloody murder in horror. <sighs> 

This is the antithesis to Fedora. There ...installing a package might
blow up your machine. Here ...removing a package can blow up your
machine! Me, I'm just the pivot man in this circle. :) Ric

p/s This phenomenon might be what's killing Steven Vollum. He'll trust
suggestion clean-up messages from the system, just as I did. <bling!>
Important stuff gets deleted before you can pull the plug.   


My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.
Linux user# 44256 
Verizon Cell # 434-774-4987

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