kcron missing? <OT>

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Tue Apr 21 02:35:00 UTC 2009

Ric Moore wrote:

> On Mon, 2009-04-20 at 11:33 -0300, Derek Broughton wrote:
>> dave selby wrote:
>> > 2009/4/16 Ric Moore <wayward4now at gmail.com>:
>> >> On Wed, 2009-04-15 at 12:42 -0300, Derek Broughton wrote:
>> >>> Ric Moore wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> > Funny thing, I don't find kcron listed anymore in the menu bar
>> >>> > anymore. So, I un-installed it, and re-installed it. I figured that
>> >>> > would kick it into gear. But, I do not find a binary file in
>> >>> > /usr/bin named kcron.
>> >>>
>> >>> Interesting - I hadn't noticed it was missing until you mentioned it.
>> > 
>> > Look in system settings > advanced > task scheduler.
>> > Its a really really nice bit of software - OK so I hacked on it for a
>> > while a year or so ago so I guess I am biased !
>> > 
>> No, really.  I know where it's supposed to be and it ain't there.
> Using synaptic and checking into the properties of kcron, there are
> no /usr/bin/files. Please check. To quote Derek, it ain't there. :( Ric

Well, now I feel like a complete and total dweeb.  I've always had kcron -
it was always installed as a dependency of kubuntu-desktop on previous
systems (going way back to Corel Linux).  I still have kcron on the hardy
VM I'm running, but there was no kcron installed in the Intrepid host. 
Oops.  I'm afraid you're all alone there, now, Ric :-)

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