Is Canonical against Kubuntu (2): the bug tracking disaster

Edmund Laugasson ed.lau at
Sun Apr 19 18:42:11 UTC 2009

>>> And why did you 
>>> not provide the output of "lspci -vvnn" after being asked to do so?
>> I had the following bug report -
>> I provided all required data but no one solution and this was closed for reason inactivity last 15 days.
> That's not a bug report.  It's a question, and unless I'm very mistaken
> it is not one of the converted bug report->question.  I have converted
> it to a actual bug report at
> .

I appreciate your effort, thanks! I just thought, that if I file yet another bug, then it will not 
earn as much attention as needed to get some attention and hopefully solution. So I searched exact 
package and filed my problem there. Now I understood, that was mistake.

This PC with Kubuntu 8.04.2 LTS is staying somewhere in library backroom and also that HP PCS-750 
and waiting their better times. If this problem could be solved, then it is possible to use that 
combination of PC and printer again. At least I can do proposal about that.

One not very funny thing happened. That organization ordered member management software, which was 
completely programmed in Java (.jnlp needed to run over http or from local HDD as argument of java 
binary). But that new Vista Home Premium PC could not run that Java application. I tried several 
tricks - cleared cache, installed newest version of JRE several times, tried also with admin user 
rights etc - nothing.

Then I installed VirtualBox under Vista and created virtual machine using Ubuntulite based on Ubuntu 
8.04.2 LTS netinstall and LXDE desktop environment. I installed using Synaptic also newest JRE, what 
that Ubuntu version offered and created shortcut onto desktop and onto quick launch to run it and 
also figured out, how to run it automatically with LXDE startup. This Java program worked fine. Then 
I created onto Vista desktop shortcut, where the target command was: VBoxManage startvm <name>
Now users just click on that icon and then appropriate virtual machine starts and logging 
automatically in and necessary Java program also starting automatically inside virtual machine.

Again I solved Windows problem using Linux. This is actually not solution but workaround. At least 
people can work now. This is not in my power to change that PC's operating system (it's rented).

Edmund Laugasson

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