
David McGlone david at
Sat Apr 18 03:29:09 UTC 2009

On Friday 17 April 2009 2:59:39 pm Ian L. Target wrote:
> David McGlone wrote:
> > <snipped like a bad circumcision>
> >
> > open a terminal and type:
> >
> > locate
> >
> > You will probably see something like:
> > /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
> >
> > If you do then you need to make a symlink to for
> > example let us imagine your plugin is in the same directory as above,
> > which I'm positive it will be, then to create the symlink type in a
> > console:
> >
> > mkdir .mozilla/plugins
> Sorry to drag this out . . . 

No need to apologize, thats what we are here for.

> do I make the .mozilla/plugins directory in
> my home directory?
> In my case, /home/ian/.mozilla/plugins

yeah. make the directory first then create the symlink.
David M.

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