Plasmoids and Power Consumption
Myriam Schweingruber
myriam at
Thu Apr 16 16:10:51 UTC 2009
Hi Steven,
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 19:57, Nils Kassube <kassube at> wrote:
> Steven Vollom wrote:
>> I installed 16 of the system info plasmoids on my computer. I just
>> noticed that with only Kontact waiting for messages, 7111mb of memory
>> are being consumed. Is it possible that these plasmoids could be
>> using that much RAM?
> Maybe you should run "xosview" of the package with the same name. There
> you can see what part of your memory is really used for applications
> (green part of the mem line) and which part is used for buffers /
> cache. Then start one plasmoid at a time and check how much the green
> bar increases.
There is another tool for the command line I use all the time: htop
It is a very nice way to monitor the system on the command line, I let
it run in a tab of konsole and have it handy when I need to check
something. The biggest strength: the filtering possibilities so I can
monitor by CPU or memory usage or whatever else I need to know.
IMHO, htop should replace top as the standard monitoring tool in
Linux, it is so much more usable and shows the individual cores,
memory and swap usage work with a graphical bar.
Regards, Myriam.
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