
David McGlone david at
Wed Apr 15 22:57:06 UTC 2009

On Wednesday 15 April 2009 6:35:57 pm Ian L. Target wrote:
> David McGlone wrote:
> > On Wednesday 15 April 2009 4:53:05 pm Ian L. Target wrote:
> >> I don't use Java a great deal, just to play a couple of games here and
> >> there.  Currently, Java doesn't work on in my Firefox 2 browser yet it
> >> works in Konqueror.  Both browsers point to /usr/bin/java path.  Any
> >> ideas as to why it works in Konqueror and not Firefox and suggestions to
> >> correct it?
> >
> > have you actually installed java? click the link to test to see if you
> > do:
> >
> >
> >
> > Blessings,
> Of course it is installed silly-goose!  (OK, I admit - I do watch way
> too much South Park.)
> See in the original post where it says "yet it works in Konqueror", 'it'
> referring to Java.
> Forgive me - I couldn't resist the temptation to be a smart ass. ;)  Yes, I
> know, not a good thing to be doing when I am asking for assistance . . .

the java in /usr/bin/ has never worked for me. Matter of fact I wonder if it's 
actually java. I always install the non gpl version either with synaptic or 
from java's website and I never have problems.

The reason I asked is because if you install the non gpl then it will install 
in /usr/lib/jvm/(whatever java version you install) and firefox will 
automatically work out of the box. Sometimes you have to create a symlink from 
~.mozilla/plugins to the plugin in /usr/lib/jvm/(whatever java version you 
install)/bin/java but that is rare.

I also think the non gpl version works much better and I point Konqueror to 
the vm in /usr/lib/jvm/(whatever java version you install)/bin/java also.

Are you sure it works in konqueror? I bet if you follow the link I sent, it 
doesn't work, and konqueror will sit there with "loading applet" like forever 
then time out with "applet failed".

So get mean all you want, I know what I'm talking about :-)

David M.

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