Question destination

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at
Wed Apr 15 07:07:36 UTC 2009

Irving Leonard wrote:
> I have a problem but I don't know who should I ask.
> The problem is with my camera, it is a Kodak EasyShare C340 and it doesn't 
> works in linux (I can't acces and download the pictures). I make a gphoto 
> dump but I don't know who should I mail to. Do I have to register in gphoto 
> mailing list just to get the answer? Is posible to make it through this list?
> regards
> irving

Hi Irving,
whenever a digital camera does not work with Linux, you can always 
install pretty much any cheap USB-card reader and then access the 
camera's SD-Card from there.

I actually do it like this anytime with any camera. While all that I 
have tried are supported, I prefer just to not have the camera batteries 
wasted, just for transferring a few pictures.

Kind regards

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