
Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Mon Apr 13 19:16:36 UTC 2009

On Monday 13 April 2009 02:43:24 pm Jonas Norlander wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 7:29 PM, Steven Vollom
> <stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> > I have the following 'Qt-subapplication' indicated as an open application
> > on my panel.  It doesn't really seem to do anything harmful, however, it
> > is unwanted.  What does it do?  Where did it come from?  Why does it not
> > go away when I right-click on it and choose 'Close'?  Thanks!
> >
> > Steven
> Doing a google it looks like it could be related to Compiz and
> switching to Kwin will help. Do you run Compiz?
> / Jonas
I noticed that too, however, I am not running Compiz.  I am in Jaunty Beta, 
though, and the Desktop Effects are much like Compiz.  I thought about it, but 
everything has to be so exact with Linux, I dismissed the idea.  I could not 
see Desktop Effects being associated with Compiz, unless stated as such.

Jonas, I may have done just that.  I got some advice and forgot who I got it 
from.  I also followed the instructions given and got a good result.  I 
thought I was told to rename kde to kde.org, then reboot and be in a new kde.  
I did not really think about the fact that once there I would not have my 
email to refer to, and forgot the instruction to get back once resolving the 

When in the new (I think, kde), I found that choosing Xrender instead of 
OpenGL solved my problem.  I can easily set up this desktop to work for me, 
but I lose the email records from the other desktop.  I would prefer to 
retrace my steps and change to Xrender on the other application then delete 
this one.  I would then have my records and a working Desktop Effects.

If you can translate my ramblings into logic, please help me.  I can't think 
of a way to post this problem, due to my memory deficit.  In any event, thanks 
either way.


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