Today's Jaunty updates and Acroread

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at
Sun Apr 12 11:20:01 UTC 2009

Nigel Ridley wrote:
> If you are having problems getting today's updates installed due to an error regarding acroread 
> just do a:
> 'sudo apt-get remove --purge acroread' followed by a 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade', then a 'sudo 
> apt-get install acroread' (all without the quotes).
> Blessings,
> Nigel
thanks so much.
Minutes ago, just the same happened to me on Intrepid. Before reading 
your mail, it had it already fixed (for Intrepid), but for anyone that 
gets hit by this:

'sudo apt-get remove --purge acroread'
followed by
'sudo apt-get install acroread'

did it for me on Intrepid.

Kind regards

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