Kubuntu Jaunty KDE3.5 remix

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at ubuntu.com
Fri Apr 10 16:06:16 UTC 2009

Hi there,

please, do not top post, it makes the thread difficult to read.

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 11:25, O. Sinclair <o.sinclair at gmail.com> wrote:
> Are you sure you are actually subscribing to this list?

I must have been amongst the first subscribers IIRC.

> Last time I checked (I could be wrong) smb4k was not working and quite a few bugs
> and missing functions were reported here.

Well, I can't comment on that one, as I don't use Samba at all.
> Am not negative, just want my clients to have a smooth transfer. They
> are not "geeks" and get upset by how stuff like Openoffice differs from
> MS Office. So that is my reason, not flaming KDE 4 where I will later
> transfer to.

I am not sure that a transfer works smoother from Windows (XP, Vista?)
to KDE 3.5.9 than directly to KDE 4.2.2. Keep in mind that they will
have to adapt to a different interface again when you will transfer
them to KDE 4...
But then, the Windows user had already to cope with radical changes
from 2000 to XP, then to Vista, as well as having to cope with
MSOffice not beeing compatible backwards and earlier versions not
being able to read their so called standard" OOXML, a thing which
OpenOffice.org does very well BTW. I'm not sure the path is really
steeper when changing to KDE 4.2.2.

Regards, Myriam.
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