Kubuntu Jaunty KDE3.5 remix

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at ubuntu.com
Fri Apr 10 10:13:19 UTC 2009

Hi Eberhard,

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 12:01, Eberhard Roloff <tuxebi at gmx.de> wrote
> Ok, but then who needs KDE 3.5 on Jaunty?
> Does 8.04 LTS (long term support) not work ok?

No, as the KDE part in 8.04 is *not* LTS, only the other, general
parts like the kernel and others. There is no LTS for KDE 3.5.9, and
it has been communicated  over and over again.

Regards, Myriam.
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