jaunty: amarok asks extra packages

GreyGeek GreyGeek at earthlink.net
Wed Apr 8 20:45:23 UTC 2009

Norberto Bensa wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 1:38 PM, Myriam Schweingruber <myriam at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>> May I remind you that this is an official Kubuntu channel and the CoC
>> applies? So even if you don't feel like, mind your words...
> Ack. I'll keep my mouth :-)
> But can you answer the second question? Where are the settings about
> "missing" packages reported by amarok stored? It will help me report
> this issue to b.l.n
> Thanks,
> Norberto
mmm...  I began using Kubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope with ALPHA5 and have
installed updates as they have appeared in my notifier.   I did not
encounter the problem you describe.   Perhaps it is something you have
done?   Regardless, cool heads work better than hot anger to solve problems.

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