
Nils Kassube kassube at
Tue Apr 7 18:40:42 UTC 2009

Mario Andes wrote:
> With Alt-F2 kdesudo "..."
> But how can I review the upgrade notes? where are they???

According to the JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu page that is a window that 
should appear when you start the cdromupgrade. On the page there is a 
screen shot with the caption "Release Notes": 

> I only read the JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu but on my desktop (terminal)
> doesn't appear anything where I could select "Upgrade"

That is on the "Release Notes" window (see screen shot). But I can't 
really tell you much more than what is on the JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu 
page anyway because I never upgraded that way.


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