
marc gmane at
Mon Apr 6 19:27:49 UTC 2009

GreyGeek said...
> marc wrote:
> >
> > For example, I could write something in Java, but that presupposes Java
> > is in the distro. Ditto, say, c# and mono. And what about ruby, or
> > jruby? That's what I'd like to ascertain.
> >
> >
> For Linux I don't see C#, .NET or APS.NET as viable options because they
> are encumbered by Microsoft which, IMO, eliminates MONO as a viable
> language in a Linux environment, IRREGARDLESS that MONO is GPLd.


You've rather ruthlessly edited my words to imply something that ain't 
there. I just threw c# and mono in there as a bit of geek humour.

> Do you want to do your part in KILLING Linux or making sure that
> Microsoft achieves TOTAL victory, which is the same thing? Then just
> adopt C# and MONO as your development tools.

Heaven forbid. If you knew what I did when I was at Sun, then you'd 

> Do not use tools which depend on Microsoft for future enhancements.

Depend on no-one.


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