hotkey-setup errors on dist-upgrade - Jaunty

GreyGeek GreyGeek at
Mon Apr 6 17:38:25 UTC 2009

Nigel Ridley wrote:
> Nils Kassube wrote:
>> Nigel Ridley wrote:
>>> If anybody from the devs is reading this - this fixes the problem on
>>> the open bug on launchpad.
>> I think it would be wise to add this information to the bug report on 
>> launchpad because it isn't very likely that the developer of that 
>> package reads this list.
>> Nils
> I did actually go to the said page on launchpad with the intention of adding a comment but others 
> had already reported the fix and I now see that there is a new package that supposedly fixes the 
> problem.
> Blessings,
> Nigel
Good catch, Nigel.  I update daily. I checked my version and the fix is 
already in.

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