Firewall and/or anti-virus

Nils Kassube kassube at
Mon Apr 6 16:42:48 UTC 2009

GreyGeek wrote:
> Nils Kassube wrote:
> > GreyGeek wrote:
> >> But, if your installation of Jaunty is like mine, a
> >> firewall was installed and configured automatically.
> >
> > Strange. There is no firewall automatically installed on my Kubuntu
> > Jaunty system. And how should the installer know what configuration
> > would be OK? Can you be a bit more specific and tell us which
> > firewall package is installed on your machine? Or maybe you are
> > mixing it up with the fact that the default installation doesn't
> > have any open ports. But that has nothing to do with a firewall, it
> > is just the *ubuntu default.
> You are probably confusing iptables with the gui interfaces to it,
> like "firestarter" or "shorewall", which "whereis" tells me isn't
> installed by default, since I never installed them.

Thanks for the clarification. Yes, I thought you meant something like 
firestarter even though I know that would be merely a frontend for 
iptables. IMHO iptables also is not a firewall but a tool to configure 
the kernel to operate as e.g. a router, a NAT gateway or a firewall if 
you want to. OTOH, if you take iptables as a firewall, it is not 
configured in any way, the iptables rules are empty by default. 
Therefore I was a bit surprised when you wrote that there is a firewall 
installed and configured on your Jaunty system.


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