to the list owner(s)

Derek Broughton derek at
Mon Apr 6 01:14:06 UTC 2009

Patricia Wilson wrote:

> Would it be possible for you folks to put an identifying string prefix
> (like "Kubuntu Help") in the subject line of outgoing messages? 

Of course it's possible - but most of us don't like that.

> You are the only list I belong to which does not do that. 

It's odd, but on _every_ list I belong to, somebody always says that...

> It would make it a lot eqasier to spot messages from the list.

What do you use to read the mail?  Practically everybody who actually reads
this list should be able to _filter_ based on the email headers, thus
leaving the subject lines available for subjects.  Since my Kubuntu email
only goes to the kubuntu folder, the Ubuntu email to the Ubuntu folder, and
everything else important to its own place, sticking [Kubuntu-users] in the
beginning of every subject would just be wasted space (_actually_, I'd
rewrite the headers to remove it, but it's annoying and unnecessary -
especially when it would usually only be done for people who read the list
for a few days and then decide it's not for them).

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